Kiki Riskadewi's Blog

For sharing and Learning More…


NB: this post is written few days ago, but just post today. 🙂 (lagi lagi sibuk hhahahaha)

Long time I didn’t update my blog (red : a month). Actually, I have many topic to wrote on my lovely blog, but I always didn’t have time to do it. I don’t know whether Im “sok busy” or busy. But I think “Im busy” :mrgreen: because lately I have to finished very much practice report, some target in my committee, prepare for the quiz, mid exam, study, prepare for KL (kuliah lapangan) and take a rest. Hohoho :lol:. so I have to cancel my plan to wrote.

Okay, the topics now is about the influence of english:)

Now, im a member of PEC. Recently, PEC do the Open Requirement (OR) to be the next crews of PEC. I felt happy and ASAP (As Soon As Possible) I registered my self. I don’t know what’s the result, whether Im accepted or refused. Hohoho. But tomorrow (red: Friday, Mei 6), old crews and next crews will held a meeting to discuss about many thing. Its mean that Im accepted. Hahaha *GR.

I feel, I get a good progress in my English. It start from “practice”. I try to practice my English, write in english spontaneously or not eventhough my grammar is still not good. I really really understand that “without practice, learning is nothing”. How thick the book that I read, it will be useless if I don’t practice it.

At my campus, I try to speak English with my friends. And their response is so many. One give a good response by speak English too, one just answered “ yes yes no no” :lol:, and others answered in Indonesia language (the high percentage). But, sometimes I didn’t do it in English Day ( Tuesday and Thursday). I did it at the day I want. Of course I look the condition if I wanna do it. For example : I have to look my friends’s mood, whether the topics or questions need a quick answer, or in a busy condition. One of the tutors of PEC ever said that all PEC’ers have to give influence to other friends to speak English. I think, I achieve it, because when I, Rara, and Oja speak English and we invite others, they give a good response. They start to speak English and apply it again to their others friends. So, in that condition, eventhough the day is not English day, I felt it become English day. Hohoho :-O

Next story…
Today I joined English debate who held by FMIPA. When one of my friends invited me to be the member of the team, I really really doubt. Because I have no experiences in English debate before, I have never joined an English debate training, and I think my English is still under standar. I fear. But, I like English and I really wants to be a good in English. I have never could if I don’t try. So, I take this chance and make this competition be the challenge for me. When I told to Nana n Vanji (my English debate team) that I have no experiences in english debate, what is their answer??? Both of them said “ so do I”. I have no experiences in english debate even in Indonesian Debate. Then, our spirit and confident are increase and we tried to do the best eventhough we don’t know the tips and trics in English debate.

Finally, the competition finished. And the result will be announce at 8 PM. The group who get the message means go to final session. So, what is the result??? We got it and my team go to the final session. I really deeply happy.. 😀 Now, im preparing for the next session. Wish I can be the best :mrgreen: amiiiiinnnnnnnn……..

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  1. What a good progress… Nice and happy to know that.
    Success with your learning process.. 🙂

  2. annaz14 on said:

    and it’s so great to think that the fact we’re No, 2,..
    so good for the freshman like us,..
    i think “debate” can be the thing that we gotta improve next time,..
    so,.. are u interested??

  3. Very good written information. It will be supportive to everyone who utilizes it, including yours truly 🙂 . Keep up the good work

  4. nana : of course, im really interested…
    lets join English Debate Training that bg rahman said few days ago.. 🙂

    cenya : thanks for visiting my blog.
    salam kenal 🙂

  5. kiki,, like this post,
    Influences other to speak English … chayo..
    start from our
    for our

  6. Kukuh Iman Putra Raharja on said:

    boleh tanya tentang debat english ?
    saya ada uneg2 dalam hati ttg debat english,
    saya mahasiswa fakultas biologi unsoed 2010, wktu smester 2 sama 4 saya sering diajak tmen2 yg jadi pserta debat english,
    saya beberapa kali ikut latihan debatnya, dan disinilah kmunculan uneg2 itu,

    waktu pertama kali ikut latihan, yang ada di pikiran saya, “kenapa harus debat? kenapa ga diskusi aja? kalau debat, berarti kan mau ga mau kita harus memastikan pihak kita yang menang, dan kita juga justru didorong untuk berusaha menjatuhkan tim lawan, mencari kelemahan lawan, dan hal2 seperti itu…”
    selain itu, waktu saya lihat tujuan diadakan lomba debat ini, saya nggak suka kalimat ini: “untuk menghibur audience”

    dari situ… saya mutusin untuk g ikut debat english, meskipun tmen2 saya bilang potensi saya besar…

    bagaimana pendapat mbak kiki? saya pgin tahu :(…

    • wssalamm..
      salam kenal yaa dan makasi udah mngunjungi blog saya..

      ini sih kalo mnurut ki yaa..
      sbnrnya dalam dskusi, psti ada beda pndpat juga n dialog yg alot.. mngkin tjuan dbat tu biar tergali lbih dlam argumen ato fkta2 sputar topik yg d bhas soalnya tiap pihak pasti akan brusaha mnemukan fkta n kbnaran posisinya. emang sih, sisi ngatif nya qt akan mmprthankan posisi qt wlwpun trkadang slah.. hehe

      kalo tjuan dbat yg buat mnghbur, saya dngr ny jga illfeel.. masa qt ngos2an dbat cuma buat hburan.. sejauh ini saya blom ada nemuin tjuan kyk gtu..
      kyk saya prnh lomba debat se Unand, tjuan emang buat cri solusi msalah intrnal unand. bgituu…
      nah, buat cth dbat saya tu, brdbat lbh bgus soalnya lbh trgali fkta n argumen ny sbab mreka d tuntut mmprthankan posisi.. heheh..

      krg lbih bgitu pndpat saya.. mav ya kalo krg puas..

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